
Welcome to the world of QSM in Pakistan! A world of services that will excite you and are designed with our company wide credo of, let’s make things better, in mind. QSM holds prominent position in providing electrical lighting solutions, a position supported by leadership in innovation combined with a systematic approach to seeking out new market opportunities. QSM strives to improve people’s lives with effective and appealing lighting solutions based on a thorough understanding of people’s needs, desires and aspirations. In this day and age of tight margins and even tighter deadlines, QSM knows it takes hard work and determination to stay in the running as one of the best electrical solution provider in the country, but more than that it takes good people. QSM doesn’t take this ranking for granted. We always provide quality electrical services solutions services to our clients at compatible and affordable market rates with a clear distinction of reliability. We are grateful to our team that take the time to do the job right. It is these people that made QSM one of the top Pakistani electrical contractors. It’s always an honor to be recognized for its service, work, and spirit. We’ve been fortunate to work this long, for this many customers, and to grow so much in the process.